
Sustainable Clothing

Who said you can't practice sustainability and still look good?! There are oh so many ways to wear sustainability without compromising your style.

Consignment stores
These are Awesome! It is more pricey that your local thrift store but way worth it if you ask me. The store owners accept clean, un-tattered stylish clothes. They do the sorting and digging that you would have to do at a thrift store for you by being selective. Plus you can always consign items that you no longer wear!

Thrift stores
This can be time consuming but you can definitely hit the jackpot at your local thrift store. The price is more than right, and the excitement is incredible when you find something you like that is your size the day you are there. I personally wear these items with such pride! The bonus here is that most local thrift stores are owned by charitable organizations and run by volunteers in your community so your dollar or two will do someone, somewhere some good!

Clothing Exchanges
Get a bunch of your friends together (and get them to bring friends) with their old clothes and exchange. I've seen these work two ways (where all items are the same price or each item  is free). One person's junk is another person's treasure!

Buy Local
There are artisans in your community or even manufacturers in your own country. They may be a little more expensive but the quality is much better and your helping your neighbours keep their jobs and your community artists stay creative.


Cloth Diapers
Apple Cheeks

Kid's Kloset      Olds, AB
Mini Me & Pampered Bums  Olds, AB

Thrifty Business'
Zoe's Attic

Padraigs Slippers