Wednesday 15 February 2012

From D-day to V-day

We had the day off this February 14th. But as days off go around here I had a morning meeting and we both scheduled 90 minute appointments at the dentist. As I was getting ready to head out the door, the dentist phoned to cancel (yeehaw!). I had a great meeting, came home, played a bit and had some lunch while the hubbie took a nap. In the afternoon we decided to go exploring. We returned some recycling, did some banking (ok so errand-exploring), decided to do some thrift store shopping and ended our trip with taking a scenic drive (how old are we again?!).  We ended up going to a place called Water Valley, where you feel like you just drove into the wild west  but in a very real, non-Disney way. We attempted to eat in this hip 4 corner town but not one (of the two) restaurants were open to minors. Not even a 10 month old minor. Chuckling along, we decided not to back track but rather make super at home. Arriving, after a peaceful day to a clean house, all was well and I had a scrumptious seed planted in my mind that would grow gracefully into our romantic Valentine’s Day dinner. This seed was planted right beside another: We will enjoy this as the wee one sleeps. Ya, right. I began cooking while hubby was looking after and feeding the babe. Not before a project popped up though. He and babe decided they would screw in the child proof door locks on the cabinets under the sink.  I continued around them. Phone rings. Skype rings. Phone rings again.  Door locks got installed and super-dad created a carrot-banana mash (who knew? She gobbled it right up!). Sticking to my perfect plan, as the red peppers roasted and garlic bread toasted I would whisk the wee one off for a night cap (aka breast milk in this house). As she drifted off with visions of sugar plums I would serve and we would sit down to relax. Uh huh. More like I tried to nurse her for twenty minutes and she was wide awake laughing, playing with my hair, my earrings, the buttons on my sweater and being very cute. So out we came for a little play in the exersaucer. As I tried to adjust my annoyance, it only escalated when I pulled the trays out of the oven to see parts of the peppers burnt and the garlic bread turned to croutons. As he saw my frustration, my husband came to my rescue. Immediately popping bread in the toaster and smothering the toast in garlic infused butter (not without popping the breaker a couple of times) we were both up in arms. As we reached across the counter, arms intersecting, a sense of calm woke me from my frustrated state. All we needed was one another, not the perfect dinner. We’re happy, we’re healthy, and we’d spent the day together as a family. Ideas need not come to fruition by the way I planned them but can be just as beautiful in taking their own shape.  And as my husband reminded me, the baby is a product of our love so it’s just as important that she’s there … I hope you all had a lovely V-day with your families whatever it looked like & no matter how hectic it may have been.
Wine, Candlelit Dinner & Exersaucer

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