Saturday 14 January 2012

Bio Vert

All mamas and friends of mamas need a good- no, great- stain remover. Ya ya, Tide to Go was all the rage when it first came out and it does work. But there is more plastic on the tube than the actual Tide product inside. In thinking along the same (streaky baby food) lines, fast-forward to a way more sustainable product. Bio-vert laundry detergent is THE absolute best thing I’ve tried. Although I had used it pre-baby every now and then, it was recommended to me when I bought our cloth diapers (residue-free, scent-free, softener-free, glycerin-free detergent). It is the best product I have tried out of a number of green, phosphate-free, biodegradable products. After months of using it, it is my very own mama who pointed out that it is also an excellent stain remover. Just dab the spot(s) with detergent prior to loading your washer with all other clothes. Rub it in and let it sit while you load the clothes. I find this long enough, although longer wouldn’t hurt (but who has that kind of time?!). Throw the spotted item(s) in with the rest of the wash and it comes off like magic! You can purchase this at most Health Food Stores, refill your bottle at some, and even some branches of Pharmaprix/Shoppers Drugmart are carrying it. For those who do like scent, Biovert also make a Morning Dew version. Little effort, big results, healthy for us, healthy for our planet- gotta love it. 


  1. "it gets the poop out". copywrited.

  2. However this product may be great to use, you should try making your own laundry detergent. It works well, safe for the environment and our helath and costs apx 1 cent per load. It also works well on cloth diapers. I switched all my laundry products from commercial to home-made; and I feel GREAT about my decision! I used up all the commercial stuff I had bought, then started using my own products. I have quite a bit of info on just how bad fabric softener is for your health; it is linked to MANY heath problems like cancer, lung problems, and even MS to name a few. The biggest problem is the word "FRAGRANCE". It is uncontrolled, has no definition and therefore has no requirements as to what companies are allowed or not allowed to put in it, the sky's the limit (not a good thing)It is one of the worst daily household products that we/people (not me) expose ourselves to... I wish I could give you some solid evidence here, but I only have hard copies. Just look it up...

    So, we use Vinegar and the essential oil of your choice for a nice smell; because vinegar smells like nothing when u use it as a softener (don't worry, your clothes won't come out smelling like a salad). In the dryer, we replaced our dryer sheets with a small rolled up ball of aluminum foil. It works well; no static at all on your clothes. The foil doesn't last forever, but once you notice that it isn't working as well, just throw it in the recycling bin. Something you certainly wouldn't do with your "bounce" sheet! Oh and a little tip, once you are done using your commercially bought downy, keep the bottle to store your own softener in. You only need apx a table spoon per wash ; I just eye-ball it. Same for the detergent, just one tablespoon per wash (all depending on your load).

  3. QUOTE from my documents about fabric softener:
    "it is one of the most toxic products produced for daily household use. it has been found to be associated with numerous illnesses and chronic conditions.the U.S. Environmental Protecion Agency collected samples of every perfume sold in North America in 1998. Every sample contained the chemical solvent Toluene (a proven carcinogen and neurotoxin designed as Hazardous Waste world wide)."
    I cannot quote all my info as it is all hard copy... but it then gives a list of all the chemical ingredients used. the list is taken from the manufactueres' Material Safety Data Sheets. the entire list explains what each chemical can cause and how it affects us, it's really shocking. the one that continuously comes up is that it is a lung irritant, causing asthma. I certainly believe that one, I can never walk through the fabric softeneer and laundry detergent isle without having breathing problems.... and for those who love these scents, (because we all kind of do, me on a smaller scale),well they actually make you addicted to the smell, with one of the chemicals. M.S. is even in the list of central nervous system toxin exposer symptoms; there are many.

  4. Laundry Detergent:

    2 cups of Ivory bar soap finely grated (I use a microplane to get it really fine)
    1 cup washing soda
    1 cup borax
    a few drops of your fav essential oil ( I use Lemon), this is optional though! I think it is better to not have a scent for babies clothes and their diapers.

    Mix it all REALLY well taking out all clumps. Let stand 24hrs, then store in an airtight container.

    There is also a liquid recipe, but I have a frontal loading washing machine and I haven't had any residue with this soap. It works well, and makes you feel good about using it :)

  5. This is all great- thanks for sharing! I didn't grow up in a softener-using/dryer sheet-using home so never really took to using either but the information here is super important for those who do. I'll try out the laundry detergent. I'd be interested in exchanging recipes for all-purpose cleaner too. Thanks again. À la santé!

  6. We use mostly vinear diluted in H2O for pretty much everything. For disinfecting, like washing the bathroom/toilet area I use a homemade fantastic. I actually misplaced the recipe, and since i use it sparingly, it lasts a long time. I know there's borax, soap, vinegar and essential oil but i may be missing something and can't remember the measurements, sorry... For the sinks, drains and stove (big cleaning) I use baking soda, hot H2O and vinegar.
    For windows, I just use H2O with a special microfiber cloth that cleans surprisingly well and leaves NO streaks(no paper towels). I have a friend who cleans her windows with bubble bath and newspaper... never really asked her how that worked; aparently newspaper does a great job.
    anyway... would like to hear what you are using aswell.

  7. Fantastic (all purpose disinfectant, not for mirrors or windows)

    - 1 tsp Borax
    - 1/2 tsp washing soda
    - 2 tbsp vinegar
    - 1/2 tsp veg. based soap or coconut based, NOT PETROLIUM
    - 2 cups very HOT H2O
    - essential oils of your choice for a nice smell (optional)

  8. How much of the Bio Vert did you use for washing the cloth diapers?

  9. Inform yourselves on ivory bar soap.....
