Monday 2 January 2012

First things first...

Welcome! As I embark on the adventure of becoming a more sustainable person (and some of my friends & family are probably thinking more sustainable, seriously?) I'm having trouble sorting out how to make the transition. You see for the last 10 years or so I have gradually become more aware (and still am) of green options, ethical options, sustainable options, responsible options...  I have made good choices but not always at the expense of my convenience. Yes, it's true. Even though I talk a good talk and walk it a good portion of the time, I would not hesitate to grab a Tim Horton's Breakfast Sandwich (Tim Matin) or even McDonalds when on a road trip (even if it was just a day trip into the city...). So bearing this attitude in mind (I'm healthy and ethical when it's convenient, at my finger tips or on a weekly stop at the local farmer's market) I have a household that is pretty mumble jumbled. My 'green' glass cleaner (which is not very green if you read the ingredients) is in the same cloth basket as Dr. Bronner's peppermint, a vinegar mixture in a BPA biodegradable bottle and Lysol toilet cleaner that I randomly bought totally out of character at Walmart (on sale!). I cloth diaper most of the time, except at night and on long trips. I started off using only reusable breast pads and wipes but have gradually adapted to full time disposables (which sit next to the stagnant reusables on the change table shelf). I think this change was mostly because the bathroom in our new house is way further (down the hall!) from the change table than it was in our last home. Anything that goes down the drain in this house (with the exception of the aforementioned toilet cleaner!) is biodegradable. We're pretty good on food but if I need an ingredient and our local store doesn't have it in organic or from a local farmer I'll for sure buy it from Mexico, Brazil, China, the Congo....where ever. As long as it works. I have taken to leaving out ingredients or replacing them with others in the last few years which works very well, but every now and then I default to my "grab it and run" mind-set. Catch my drift?
I'm not sure weather to discard the unsustainable items I have, give them to the neighbour (which is encouraging poor practices) or use them and just buy new ingredients/products once they're threw. I'm thinking I'll go for the later....either way they'll be disposed of. Thoughts?


  1. Rome wasn't built in a day Noelle and your path to sustainability will evolve. I'd recommend using what you have(it did have a cost) and once it's gone then the evolution begins. Love your new blog and will follow your adventure with pride!

  2. Well I say use the products till they run out the damage is done and the money is spent. I would go back to the reusable breast pads and wipes asap. Keep the disposable for when you really need them. I think sustainability is about moderation anything too extreme is not going to last. Relax trying to obtain perfection will drive you crazy. Making an active effort to avoid products is good but treat yourself once in a while you deserve it you so much more than most people :)

  3. Bravo Noelle! I will follow and learn
