Tuesday 3 January 2012


1: capable of being sustained      

2 a : of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the        resource is not depleted or permanently damaged <sustainable techniques> <sustainable agriculture>
b : of or relating to a lifestyle involving the use of sustainable methods <sustainable society
What is it exactly that I'm attempting to do? To make sustainable choices in all we do as a family. Decision by decision, purchase by purchase, moment by moment, day by day. It is a bit daunting to think about changing our ways or our lives in one day (like a diet or an exercise regime), which is why I will take this challenge on decision by decision. Always asking myself what is the sustainable option?  in what we do, buy and how we act. The biggest thing to wrap my mind around on Day 3 is the task of remaining mindful when it comes time to make a decision. Some things have become such habit and aren't things I even think about doing. At the same time, I think it is important not be too hard on myself. When we're too hard on ourselves, we end up aborting the idea (again diet, exercise regime!). I'll approach this authentically and honestly. We're headed to the grocery store today. Here we go...

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